An Original translation by Kitman TV
In Denmark, two assaults on Danish moms quietly strolling along with their little ones took place within a single week. And it appears that Muslim invaders have begun using this very innovative strategy in their ongoing quest to “strike terror” into the hearts of the infidels.
Whereas latest incident was granted a short article in Jyllands-Posten, the earlier, much more cruel attack, did not make it into the MSM at all. And this in spite of pleas to help find the perpetrators from friends, relatives and some 34.000 concerned Danes, who shared the story on Facebook.
Such reports involving dying toddlers do tend to lower popular support for further Arab mass-immigration into Denmark, and apparently ALL Danish television- and newspaper-editors find this prospect to be so terrifying that they’d rather not help the poor mother catch the perpetrators.
The Danish newspaper, Jyllandsposten, the originator of the cartoons, today has an article with this title: Danish Jews are met with harassment (article in Danish) It takes time to translate, so let me just summarize: Danish Jews feel intimidated and...
This cased is very much talked about these days in Denmark and I think it should be distributed widely. A turkish mother of 4, who is an invalid, bedridden, sick and paretic is to be returned to Turkey according to danish immigration authorities, because...
The infamous imam Ahmad Akkari - well known for his falsified Muhammed-pig-cartoons - was among the rescued 5.000 ‘danes’ from Libanon. Akkari, who cost the danish Arla ca. US$ 100 million, even managed to get his wife and child to Denmark, although...
Denmark has noticed that many Imams speak with forked-tongue, saying one thing in Danish media, and another thing in Arab media. Thus, they have eliminated many of these double-speaking Imams from the political dialogue. The Danes should be examples...
First, thanks very much to Pastorius and company for inviting me to contribute to Infidel Bloggers Alliance. Michelle Malkin finds many pictures of Islamofascists inciting against Denmark and other parts of Europe. The UK Telegraph says: A leading Islamic...