Cavuto says Obama already pulled off a similar stunt in America.
“While no one is taxing our bank holdings, thanks to Obamacare, they are going after our other assets. Remember that 3.8% Medicare surtax on investment sales larger than a couple hundred grand. Surprised? Next time you try to sell your house, trust me, you’ll be hitting the roof. A tax on your home… your tangible assets. Is there really a difference? No.”
From Fox News (hat tip to Diary of a Right Wing Pussycat): ObamaCare death debt? States can seize assets to recoup Medicaid costs Tom Gialanella, 56, was shocked to find out he qualified for Medicaid under ObamaCare. The Bothell, Wash., resident had been...
I Am The Emperor Honey Boo Boo! From Newsbusters: Thanks, Obama! Here’s what happened when Obamacare came up at Thanksgiving dinners. For some families, Obamacare at the holiday table was a recipe for disaster. New Thanksgiving tradition:...
Today's New York Post From Ace: So far, state insurance commissioners in Washington state, D.C., Arkansas, andVermont -- all of them Democrats -- have rejected Obama's "fix" to Obamacare that guts the exchanges. Obama has summoned...
These pitfalls proliferate in the Health Care Reform Act, the bill that Pelosi so glibly told us would eventually reveal its specifics after it became law: The specifics below will touch the vast majority of Americans in one way or another. From Red...
It has begun. And if they can start with something like tanning services and hoe sales, they will find a way to federally sales tax anything. Where are Hancock and Adams when you need them? The Spokesman h/t Gateway Pundit: Health law’s heavy impact...