Obama's World Today: "Total and Unmitigated Disaster"
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Obama's World Today: "Total and Unmitigated Disaster"

Today's New York Post

From Ace:
So far, state insurance commissioners in Washington state, D.C., Arkansas, andVermont -- all of them Democrats -- have rejected Obama's "fix" to Obamacare that guts the exchanges. 
Obama has summoned the CEOs of several insurance companies to the White House for a meeting today, presumably on the Obamacare "fix." Apparently, checking with the insurance companies before enlisting them in a scheme with major practical and legal consequences didn't occur to the White House. 
"'I don’t know how he f—-ed this up so badly,' said one House Democrat who has been very supportive of Obama in the past." 
Last night Obama threatened to veto the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" a/k/a the Upton bill that the House is going to vote on today. The bill guts the Obamacare exchanges by allowing people whose policies would be cancelled because of Obamacare and people who never even had insurance to buy insurance on the individual market that doesn't meet Obamacare's expensive minimum requirements. 
Here's some advice for Obama:

Question: What is "the right thing" for a leader to do when he has completely failed his country?

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