Green Energy

Who Decided That It Would Be A Good Idea....
From The American DreamDo you have faith in the people running this nation? When answering that question, most people would bash either the Democrats or the Republicans, but my question goes much deeper than that. Power is constantly shifting back and forth between the two major political parties, and it seems like things don't really change no matter who is in power. What I am asking is if you have faith in the entire system. Do you have faith in the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve, the state governments, the local governments, our public schools and our financial system? Do you believe that the people that are running things in this country are doing a good job? When you look at the results, it is hard to argue that those in power are making good decisions. In fact, this country is caught in such a downward spiral that it would be easy to argue that most of our politicians should immediately resign in disgrace. Our leaders just keep coming up with one bad idea after another. Sometimes it almost seems as though it would be better for our leaders to do absolutely nothing at all because every time they try to do something they only make things worse.Definitely read the rest here.
Gun-control Orders Not ‘some Slippery Slope To Mass Confiscation”
OBAMA>>“The - for us to say that you’ve got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolutely not a tax increase.” POLITICO>>“In its ruling last week on the national health care law, the Supreme Court found that penalties...
Another Take On Why Jews Vote Democrat
From Evan Sayet: American Jews overwhelmingly tend to vote Democrat for one simple reason: they see the choice as being between 1) the Democrats and their belief in nothing versus 2) the Republicans and their beliefs based on their Christian faith and...
Obama's "god Talk"
From this September 7, 2012 article in the Washington Post, an article that also appeared in the print edition in the "On Faith" section: Obama’s ‘God talk’ was highlight of his convention acceptance speech ...[T]radition requires some God talk...
The Parallel Government Of The Entire World
This past week brought the hilarious news (or, at least I think it is hilarious) that the Mexican Leftist Presidential Candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who just can't accept that he was defeated by the will of the people, has proclaimed himself...
Mein Kampf In Dar Al Islam
We've all read the reports of Hitler's Mein Kampf being a best-selling book in various Middle Eastern countries. I must admit that though I know the major themes, I have not read the entire book. I know, as do we all for the most part, that Churchill...
Green Energy