Green Energy

Dude, how was the party?
Governments Don't Live Together. People Do.
ABC: Boy Turns Birthday Party Into Toys for Tots Drive Chase Rowe. Image: Tiffany Rowe An Oklahoma boy’s generosity on his birthday has helped a local Toys for Tots drive to gather nearly 500 gifts for needy kids after he told his mother that...
Happy Birthday John
suicideblonde:Happy birthday JohnHow you are missed by those who listened - EpaPermalinkReblogged from Suicide Blonde...
Obama's Special Birthday Bash
I feel so bad, so sad, that I missed our special president's special day, his special birthday. I hope I make up for it by posting a special song just for him.
Step Aside 007, You've Got Nothing On The Gipper For Fighting The Cold War.
While so many of our current crop of D.C. nitwits (you listening, Uncle Barry?) are busy using Reagan's 100th birthday to compare themselves to him I may as well throw my own self in the mix. I'm just like Reagan, too. From Dutch by Edmund Morris:...
Some Schools Still Have Some Common Sense
So, Uncle Barry wants to give a speech to schoolkids. And they wanted the kids to “Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. “ Needless to say this sat not well with many. Many are planning to keep thier kids home....
Green Energy