Green Energy
Step aside 007, you've got nothing on the Gipper for fighting the Cold War.

While so many of our current crop of D.C. nitwits (you listening, Uncle Barry?) are busy using Reagan's 100th birthday to compare themselves to him I may as well throw my own self in the mix.
I'm just like Reagan, too.
Dutch by
Edmund Morris:
It is a fact, however, that R R did acquire a 1934 Walther PPK .380 pocket-sized police pistol early in his stay in Des Moines and kept it lovingly the rest of his life. He even toted it in his briefcase as president. "A man should be able to defend himself". R R qu. in John Hutton Diary, JHP.
Well heck, I have three of them. Regular summer carry and for more discreet formal under the suit occassions.

Uncle Barry, you're no. . .well, you know the rest
HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY UNCLE BARRY! Dude, how was the party?...
Dear Uncle Barry, It's really quite ironic, isn't it. He is not the most powerful man in the world to have his people do his bidding. He is the most powerful man in the world to do the bidding of the people. You and your playmates are really...
"The Key to Freedom is the Ablility to be Able to Defend Yourself" Our Founding Fathers knew this and gave us the Second Amendment, which politicians and pussies (but I repeat myself) have been trying to rid us of ever since. The Nazis knew this and first...
Who's Your Daddy?
No, really, Uncle Barry, Who's Your Daddy? ...
Some Schools Still Have Some Common Sense
So, Uncle Barry wants to give a speech to schoolkids. And they wanted the kids to “Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. “ Needless to say this sat not well with many. Many are planning to keep thier kids home....
Green Energy