Green Energy

No one knows the evil power of Islam as well as the governments in secular Muslim nations. Sadly, most Americans and Europeans mistakenly assume Islam is a religion. Leaders in Muslim countries know better - they know Islam is a political and military system bent on world domination.
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American Converts To Islam
Planck's Constant sheds some light as to who converts to Islam here in the United States. Excerpt:According to a recent, albeit small, study of conversion to Islam in the United States, Islam is actually more attractive to those with less education....
Islam Does Not Mean Peace An indispensable post from Bernie at Planch's Constant: Spiritualism, Justice, Liberty Photo by: Hamed SaberOne of the greatest deceptions and just...
Muslim IQBy Bernie at Planck's Constant: In the book IQ and the Wealth of Nations by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen we come across the following statistics regarding the IQ of...
Why Is The Muslim World Repressed?
I just thought of something, and I wonder if anyone would like to weigh in on it. When you look at a map of freedom in the world, you see that Muslim countries have fewer freedoms of all kinds than the rest of the world. The whole Muslim world is ruled...
Motoons An Issue At The Oic
The letters "OIC" stand for the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which just wrapped up a two-day summit in Dakar Senegal. From the AP article "Muslims Nations: Defame Islam, Get Sued?": The Muslim world has created a battle plan to defend its religion...
Green Energy