Green Energy

A Muslim farmer walks into his wife's bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says, "Just wanted to show you the pig I've been screwing behind your back."
The wife says, "that's not a pig you fool, its a sheep."
The Muslim says, "I wasn't talking to you."
More from Bernie at Planck's Constant.
Tyranny And Gun Control
For as long as I can remember, alarmists have been screeching, "They're coming for our guns!" That screeching got on my nerves like you wouldn't believe. Now, in these weeks after the horror of Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14,...
Muslim Attacks Belgian Policeman as his Wife is Booked for Wearing Burka From Will at the Other News: On Tuesday afternoon, in the Saint-Josse district of Brussels - a heavily immigrant-colonised neighbourhood - a 37-year-old Muslim was walking down the...
Rulers of Islamic Countries Fear Unrestrained IslamFrom Bernie at Planck's Constant: No one knows the evil power of Islam as well as the governments in secular Muslim nations. Sadly, most Americans and Europeans mistakenly assume Islam is a religion....
Climatards Are Now Counting Farts
Shock Super-Scandal: Climatards Abuse Sheep From Director Blue. This is how the Climatards (I hear that's the term they prefer) track methane emission from sheep in New Zealand. I kid you not. In NZ, cows and sheep outnumber...
And Then, After The Premier The Jews Will Kill Them And Spread Their Blood On Their Lintels
Singing sheep show for Al Jazeera Baaas aims to give youngsters a taste of a wide range of musical styles S4C and a Welsh TV production company are joining forces with an Arabic channel to produce a children's series about...
Green Energy