Green Energy
Danny Glover Staring in New Islamist Propaganda Movie
“Five Minarets in New York”

Robert Spencer notes,
The movie is clearly an orgy of Muslim victimhood, complete with a villainous U.S. law enforcement officer (played by Robert Patrick) stalking into a mosque during prayers and making statements about Islam that no actual American law enforcement official has ever dreamed of uttering in today's hyper-PC environment.
Interesting to note also Gina Gershon's and Danny Glover's presence in the film. Probably Hollywood's fashionable Leftism made acting in this America-hating screed seem to them to be a moral duty.
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C-span Interview Of Robert Spencer
On August 20, 2006, Brian Lamb conducted a lengthy interview of Robert Spencer. The emphasis of the interview is the documentary film Islam: What the West Needs to Know. My review of the movie is HERE. The C-Span broadcast contains clips from the film....
Green Energy