Green Energy

Australian lawyer smokes pages of Bible and Koran, asking 'Which is best?'

An Australian lawyer, Alex Stewart, has smoked pages torn from the Koran and the Bible, posting the video on YouTube just days after an American Pastor's threat to burn the Muslim holy book caused worldwide outrage. 


- Muslim Leaders In Australia Say Banning Terrorism Will Ban Islam
We Have The Right To Call For Your Destruction From the Australian: Grand Mufti of Australia Ibrahim Abu Mohammad and the Australian National Imams Council have called for the offence of “advocating terrorism” to be removed from the so-called Foreign...

- Why It’s Ok For The U.s. Govt. To Burn Bibles But Condemn Burning The Koran
From PJM: F. Scott Fitzgerald said that the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in the mind simultaneously was a mark of genius. If that were true, the U.S. government must be full of geniuses. Consider: it was just a week or two ago that everyone...

- Man Burns Krayon In New York City: "america Should Never Be Afraid To Give It's Opinion"
Already, YouTube is deeming this to be "potentially offensive material". Hero. The FBI, The Secretary of Defense, and the President of the United States, collapsed on top of Pastor Jones (who I am no fan of) in an orgy of intimidation under the color...

Islamists Threaten Suicide Bombings in Florida to Avenge “Burn a Koran Day” Personally, I am not high on "Burn a Koran" Day. But, this threat has me starting to believe, perhaps, everyone in America ought to participate. The reality is, burning...

- Australia : Muslim Students Urinate, Spit On Then Burn Bible
Uh oh, does this mean the worlds 2 billion Christians are gonna start rioting in the streets and calling for the blood of Muslims to be spilled? Hmmm probably not, but I'm sure the MSM will report this at and make it front page headlines for a month...

Green Energy
