Green Energy
Ground Zero Mosque Developers Won’t Rule Out Taking Money from Saudi Arabia and Iran

The serpent shows it’s true face…
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Saudi Man Can’t Identify Dead Wife’s Face Until Veil Put Back on The kicker: They have five children… After nearly 10 years of marriage that produced five children, Mufleh Mohammed of Saudi Arabia still has not seen his wife’s face. Mohammed Hilal,...
Who Does Imam Faisal Want To Help Pay For The Ground Zero Mosque And Armory? You!
Newsmax: Ground Zero Mosque Developers Seek $5 Million Federal Grant Monday, 22 Nov 2010 Developers of the Park51 Islamic community center and mosque, which has come to be known as the "ground zero mosque” two blocks from the site for the World Trade...
Newsmax: Ground Zero Mosque Developers Refuse to Rule Out Using Funds from Iran and Ahmadinejad Thursday, 19 Aug 2010 By: Jim Meyers The developers of the planned mosque near New York’s ground zero on Wednesday refused to rule out using funds from Mahmoud...
Poll: 52% of New York Voters Oppose Ground Zero Mosque, Only 31% Support it Click on the title to read the story....
NYC Muslim Group Planning Another Mosque Next to Ground Zero How about this, for every mosque built next to Ground Zero we can build a church in Mecca? In other words, it’ll never happen. Click on the title above to get the whole story....
Green Energy