Green Energy
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Warns Illegals: “We’re Gonna Have Enough Firepower To React to Any Assaults On Our Deputy Sheriffs”

Mess with this man at your own risk…
Go see the video over at Weasel Zippers.
The Threat Of Violence Is The Only Appropriate Answer To Imperious Tyranny
Lt. Col. Ralph Peters calls Obama a pussy to Fox News Stuart Varney Rep. Peter King: We Should ABSOLUTELY Monitor Muslims – And Give Medal to Cops for Doing It (VIDEO)Arab TV Host Suggests Congress Deal With Obama in Harsh Way Over Downplaying...
Los Angeles Wants to Teach Students Arizona Immigration Law is “un-American”Reading, writing, arithmetic..liberal propaganda… The Los Angeles Unified School District school board wants all public school students in the city to be taught that Arizona’s...
Arizona Threatens to Pull Plug on LA’s Energy Supply if They Go Through With Boycott Over Immigration LawMan, they really mean business in Arizona. I'm not fully behind this law myself, because Driver's Licenses are not proof of Citizenship...
Video: Rev. Franklin Graham to CNN's Campbell Brown, "Trust me Girl, You Don't Want to Live Where Sharia is the Law"....Click on the title above and go to Weasel Zippers to see the smackdown video....
Obamaland: Illegal To Arrest Illegals
From Atlas Shrugs: Have you heard about Obama's "new" federal guidelines that prevent officers from arresting illegal aliens. When did this come about? Why has no one mentioned it? Is this Obama flying under the radar net of media reporting? Have...
Green Energy