Green Energy
Stupak Gets the Ball Rolling: “Legitimate” for BP Escrow Account to Fund Health Care
From Weasel Zippers:

Barton couldn’t have been more on target when he said the Dems will end up using BP’s $20 billion as a slush fund, sadly he retracted his comments after his fellow Republicans threw him under the bus…
Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.): “I think we had to have someone say this is where you can go without limiting your criminal liability or civil liability.For instance, the question is brought up, pay for all of the health care for the people in the Gulf. No,
but Ithink those who lost their job, then lost their health care would be legitimate.”
Hhs Says It Needs $1.8 Billion To Run Obamacare Website For One Year
From the Washington Times: President Obama’s top health officials said Tuesday they expect Congress to front the money needed to fund Obamacare’s federal marketplace in fiscal 2015 as they work to make operate better this fall. The...
Internal AT&T presentation: we'll save $4.1 billion a year if we drop all employee health care benefitsFrom Director Blue. Click on the title to read the whole thing. You know how President Obama relentlessly marketed his...
Yeah, ok, whatever. Bye Bye Bartie. . . Pretty ineffective bunch them teabaggers MSNBC Tea Party target Stupak won’t seek re-election Congressman did deal over abortion funding to pass health care bill The Associated Press updated 2:30 p.m. ET, Fri.,...
AT&T to Book $1 Billion Cost on Health-Care ReformFrom Business Week: AT&T Inc. will book $1 billion in first-quarter costs related to the health-care law signed this week by President Barack Obama, the most of any U.S. company so far. A change...
Un-arguments For Health Care Reform
One of the odd features of the 'healthcare' debate is that certain arguments for nationalized health care/health care 'reform' are actually backwards and run counter to the thing being argued for. None more so than this argument: "We pay...
Green Energy