Green Energy
Islamic Superheroes Kids Show to Debut on American TV
From Weasel Zippers:

A group of Islamic superheroes will move their battle against the baddies from comic books to a US cable network this year, its Kuwaiti creator says.
The 99, based on a group of ordinary people who discover superhuman powers and are influenced by messages from the Quran, will air a 26-episode series on the US cable channel The Hub, said Naif al Mutawa, the chairman and chief executive of Teshkeel Media.
“From day one it’s a for-profit company, but it’s a double bottom-line business,” Mr al Mutawasaid. “It’s to benefit both the socialbottom line as well as the financial.”
The 99 TV show is produced through a joint venture between Teshkeel and Endemol, the Dutch production company known for its series of reality television programs such as Big Brother and Deal or No Deal.
The Hub is a new cable network, a joint venture between Discovery Channel and the toy maker Hasbro, which will start broadcasting on October 10 into 60 million US homes. The 99 is one of six original programmes on the network.
I can't imagine a major network running a Christian Superheroes TV show. Can you?
It is true, however, that NBC ran Veggie Tales, an animated children's show whose themes were based upon Old Testament stories which were compatible with both Christianity and Judaism. However, when NBC ran the show, they edited out all references to God:When the show aired on NBC network television in September 2006, VeggieTales episodes were edited to remove most references to God at the request of the NBC network's standards and practices department. (The religious references remained intact in the closed-captions accompanying each episode.) Notable was the removal of the program's signature sign-off message: "Remember kids, God made you special and he loves you very much."
The idea that Muslims are oppressed in this country is ludicrous. On the contrary, Islam, and it's adherents, are being given lee-way that Judaism and Christianity do not enjoy.
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