Green Energy
Dhimmicrat Assachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Tells Muslims ‘Yours Is a Peaceful Faith’ 
( — Governor Deval Patrick told more than 1,100 Muslims at a Roxbury mosque yesterday that he knew many have encountered discrimination and racial profiling since Sept. 11 and that he would do everything in his power to combat those problems.
Speaking at what Muslim activists described as the first such forum with a Massachusetts governor, the 53-year-old Democrat pledged to take seven steps to help Muslims in the state.
The measures ranged from urging businesses and governments to allow Muslims to take time off to attend Friday afternoon prayers to publicly denouncing discrimination and racial profiling against believers of Islam.
Although he responded “yes’’ when asked pointedly whether he was committed to each measure requested, Patrick sometimes broadened his pledges to recognize that other religious and ethnic groups deserved the same protections and accommodations.
“Yours is a peaceful faith, and I know that, and I know you are worried [about whether] others know that,’’ Patrick said after several Muslims joined him on the platform at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center to recount stories of epithets hurled at them on Boston streets and FBI agents visiting their houses.
“I know that people have been afraid and angry, and sometimes that fear and anger is randomly directed at you,’’ he said.
The audience, which comprised Muslims from across the state, including many women who wore hijab head coverings and men who wore kufi caps, frequently interrupted Patrick with cheers and chants of “Allahu Akbar!’’ which means “God is great!"
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"yours Is A Peaceful Faith, And I Know That" Deval Patrick Gov Of Mass
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Green Energy