Green Energy
Infidel Babe Of The Week

Tera Patrick
Go ahead, my friends. Tell me you don't know who she is. None of us know who she is.
Do you know who Tera Patrick is?
I don't. No, not me.
And when we do know who Tera Patrick is, it's in the privacy of our own, uh, studies.
There is a verse in the Koran in which Allah informs his people that the sun sets in a swamp. Muslims can choose to believe that, if it makes them happy. Science, of couse, would say otherwise.
this photograph of the beautiful Tera Patrick is evidence that the sun rises out of her Hey-Nonie-Nonie.
Which means that all is right in the Universe.
Dhimmicrat Assachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Tells Muslims ‘Yours Is a Peaceful Faith’ ( — Governor Deval Patrick told more than 1,100 Muslims at a Roxbury mosque yesterday that he knew many have encountered discrimination...
Racism In The Politically Correct British Media
Asian - Tera Patrick There is a group of people in Britain who have distinguished themselves by setting off bombs in subways, preaching hatred of Infidels in Mosques, and carrying placards in the streets calling for a "real Holocaust" against Jews....
A Summary Of Diplomacy
Clarity and Resolve is one of the best counter-Jihad blogs. I check it out everyday. Here, Patrick summarizes the West's diplomatic efforts with Iran, so far: Mullacracy: We want to talk to the boss—right now! Great Satan: No. Mullacracy: Fine,...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance Banner
Patrick Kaffir, of the great blog Clarity and Resolve, was nice enough to make this for us. I am honored. Thanks, Patrick. I hope J will post it, because I have no idea how to do that. :) I'm a technotard....
Islamic Terminology
I just wanted to give Elmer's Brother as well as Clarity and Resolve a thumbs up on contributing to the tools and understanding of Islamic scripture. Please check out Patrick's efforts at C&R in putting together a "Lexicon" for his readers. I...
Green Energy