Green Energy
Infidel Bloggers Alliance Banner

Patrick Kaffir, of the great blog Clarity and Resolve, was nice enough to make this for us. I am honored. Thanks, Patrick.
I hope J will post it, because I have no idea how to do that.
I'm a technotard.
Infidel Babe Of The Week
Tera Patrick Go ahead, my friends. Tell me you don't know who she is. None of us know who she is. Do you know who Tera Patrick is? I don't. No, not me. And when we do know who Tera Patrick is, it's in the privacy of our own, uh, studies....
Calling All Bloggers
On September 27th this year, thousands of bloggers will be publishing articles on ending abuse. I thought it might be a great opportunity to awaken a wider audience to the danger of Islamism for the Infidel Blogger's Alliance to post articles here...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
And now, coming to you live from a stealth bomber circling above Mecca, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... Check out the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show with your hosts Pastorius and the Fu2rman. The first show is already up....
As per Pastorius' invitation, I am a new contributor to the Infidel Bloggers Alliance. I've been a reader for about a year, and have a high regard for the professional quality of writing at IBA. Yes, writing; this is more of an online magazine...
Islamic Terminology
I just wanted to give Elmer's Brother as well as Clarity and Resolve a thumbs up on contributing to the tools and understanding of Islamic scripture. Please check out Patrick's efforts at C&R in putting together a "Lexicon" for his readers. I...
Green Energy