Green Energy
He Won’t Listen… Obama Says KSM May Still Be Tried in NYC
Click on the title to read the whole story over at Gateway Pundit.
Sarah Palin was right.

The man won’t listen.
Barack Obama told reporters yesterday that he still has not ruled out a New York City trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
The rest of the country has moved on… Not Obama.
Updated And Bumped: Remember How The Media Told Us Obama's Grandmother In Kenya Was A Christian
UPDATE: The New York Times posts IBA's post on their International News (Kenya) page. The fact is, the NYT publishes many IBA posts (usually two or three a week), so I am not posting this to brag. Instead, I am posting it because I think it is humorous...
White House Orders Justice Dept. To Move Ksm Trial Out Of Nyc?
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And As The Compass Swings.... Authority Swings .. Mouths Open.. Power Moves
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How Much Money Would It Cost To Provide Security For The Trial Of Gitmo Detainees In Ny?
According to NYC mayor Bloomberg, $400 million (Hat tip: IRIS' Israel Blog): New York City projects it will cost more than $400 million to provide security if the pre-trial preparation and trial of the suspects in the Sept. 11 terror attacks takes...
Saudi Arabians Back Obama Because "whites Side With Israel"
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Green Energy