Green Energy

My theory is, Obama, not being part of real American Black Culture, was instead inured in White P.C. culture, and therefore, he thinks anyone who is of a culture other than America, or the Western World, is somehow more noble, and deserving of "respect" and "honor".
It's actually a kind of backhanded racism, usually not seen in black people.
Wapo Journalist: Obama Decided To “become Black” After Being Branded An “oreo” By Fellow Black Students While At Occidental College
From the Daily Mail: Barack Obama decided to ‘become black’ after being teased at university by black students who called him ‘Oreo’, a new book claims. The future President got sick of being compared to the black and white biscuit so decided...
Look At How This Is America
(Jesse) Jackson said that there is a mistaken assumption in some corners of America that all racial problems went away with the election of President Obama. "There was this feeling that we were kind of beyond racism," he said. "That's not true. His...
Because She "respects" Islam
UPDATED Yesterday, we posted this: Why The Hell Would Obama Bow To Tampa Mayor? Here's the answer to the question: Tampa mayor, Pam Iorio, proclaimed Nov. 15th "CAIR Day" “By virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of...
Racism Is The Most Natural Thing In The World
From Big Lizards: I don't mean that (the title) sarcastically at all: For most human beings, racism comes so naturally, they don't even know they're racists. Of course, being "natural" is not a synonym for being good. It's "only natural"...
On Ethnic Nationalism
Will this be my final word on Ethnic Nationalism? No, not if my fellow counter-Jihadis continue to dig themselves in further and further. A friend wrote to me and told me that I use the phrase "Ethnic Nationalist" as a perjorative; that the phrase simply...
Green Energy