Green Energy

Greenpeace Targets Soft Toilet Paper, Comes Up With "Toilet Paper Guide"....


Save the planet, rip your ass to shreds.....

These people really want to control every aspect of your lives, right down to what comes in contact with your ass.

Click on the title and go to Weasel Zippers for the whole story.

Muslims Turn Kosovo Orthodox Shrine into Public Toilet CLICK ON THE TITLE TO READ THE WHOLE STORY....

- Barbecued Krayon Recipe
First, order your Free Krayon here. When you receive it in the mail, immediately marinate it in warmed pig fat, sprinkled generously with garlic, salt, and pepper. Heat up the Mesquite coals on the Grill, and have at it. Don't forget to use...

Airline Bomb Scare Diplomat Was Traveling To Visit Imprisoned Al-Qaida Agent Something about this story smells.Click on the title to get the whole story at Weasel Zippers. ...

NYC Police Commissioner: We Were NEVER Consulted by Obama Administration Before Decision to Move 9/11 Trials to Manhattan... Click on the title to get the story at Weasel Zippers....

- British Government Builds Muslim-friendly Apartments
From the Bristol Evening Post: New flats for elderly people have opened in Bristol - with toilets that do not face Mecca. The Muslim-friendly Very Sheltered Housing (VSH) scheme in Lincoln Street, Lawrence Hill, also includes beds that allow a tenant's...

Green Energy
