Green Energy
"A war of Islam’ will be waged against those who try to silence Muslims

From Up Pompeii:
THE vile Muslim extremists behind the sick protests against Our Boys at a homecoming parade want Lord Mandelson stoned to death — for being GAY.
Muslims in London are openly declaring war and that more action against our troops will be taken in the future.
Carry on insulting UK troops, say preachers
Martin Bentham, Home Affairs Editor
Three of the UK's most prominent extremist Islamic preachers today compared British soldiers in Iraq to the terrorists who carried out the 7/7 and 9/11 attacks.
Exiled Omar Bakri, his follower Anjem Choudary and Ishtiaq Alamgir, the man who led the recent protest against troops in Luton, said Muslims should continue to insult British soldiers and attack "evil" democracy and freedom of speech, no matter what the consequences.
They said British forces had "blood on their hands" and warned that Britain could face more terror attacks if it did not accept "the truth of Islam".
The clerics spoke at a hotel in Walthamstow, with Bakri appearing by video link from Lebanon.
They accused soldiers in Iraq of carrying out torture, rape and murder and also called for the introduction of Sharia law to Britain, saying non-Muslims who did not accept it should leave the country.
Alamgir said: "The soldiers are saying they are doing their job. This is very shallow. The same could be said about the individuals who carried out the 7/7 or 9/11 attacks that they carried out on the orders of Sheikh Osama bin Laden."
this is followed by
RADICAL Muslims warned of a “war of Islam” against the UK population in a backlash to the treatment of protesters during an anti-war protest in Luton.
A press conference was held in the Holiday Inn, Walthamstow Avenue, Chingford, in reaction to the arrests and widespread criticism of Islamist protesters who disrupted a home-coming parade for soldiers in Luton.
The protesters shouted at soldiers and waved placards with slogans including, "Butchers of Basra" and "Cowards, killers, extremists", causing enough disruption to stop the parade.
Controversial cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri, a former member of the disbanded extremist al-Muhajiroun who is banned from the UK, spoke by telephone conference at the meeting about the “very big hole” that British people are digging themselves in and warned that ‘a war of Islam’ will be waged against those who try to silence Muslims.
There you have it A WAR OF ISLAM WILL BE WAGED this in itself should be enough for any government worthy of the name to respond firmly and decisively against these people.
This will of course not happen therefore it it is up to us to strike firmly against these people, wherever there is a Muslim celebration of their prophet or any other significant day in the Muslim calendar, wherever there is a proposal for a new mosque, wherever there is a Muslim MP speaking, all should be presented with a demonstration giving the clear message for them to leave the country.
ALL Islamic institutions such as Banks, businesses and even kebab shops should be boycotted.
We need a cell structure throughout the UK so we can respond quickly to any overt sign of Islamization, we also need a rapid response group/groups so people can move reasonably quickly to support each cell in its activities.
The cells could provide information to a central point, this would then be distributed to all cells thus a coordinated response could be initiated.
We clearly now have to defend our country and way of life in any way we can, the government is not going to do this for us, their past record is proof of that.
The appeasement has to stop, the funding of Muslim organizations has to stop, our education system has to be cleansed of the bias towards Islam as does our Social and health services
We have to stop the inward flood of Muslims from the middle east and Europe, we are fast becoming the dumping ground for all of Europe.
We must organize, we must now overtly resist, we must now fight back and claim what is ours and has been for a millennium, this land is our land, this land is your land, this land is NOT theirs.
Muslim Conversion Booth Uk
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Yes, Melanie Is An Alarmist Paranoid Freak, Right?
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