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Yes, Melanie is an alarmist paranoid freak, right?
Exiled British Islamist Sheikh Omar bin Bakri in Beirut: We Will See the Banner of Islam 'Flying Over Big Ben and the British Parliament'

Sheikh Omar bin Bakri, Syrian-born British Islamist and former leader of the Islamist "Al-Muhajirun" organization in Britain, whose activities in Britain were stopped in October 2005, now resides in Beirut. In an interview, Sheikh Omar bin Bakri told the London daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that he would not consider returning to Britain until it "repealed its terrorist laws through which it terrorizes peaceful Muslims in Britain" and that "loyal Muslims in Britain will one day turn it, with Allah's help, into 'Islamistan.'" He also repeated statements he had made in 2001 about the "banner of Islam" flying over British landmarks and government buildings. [1] The following are excerpts from the interview: [2]
Question: "Do you still stand by your previous fatwas, and in particular the one forbidding the handing over of information concerning terrorists?"
Omar Bakri: "The handing over of information concerning Muslims - whether they are those who fight jihad for the sake of Allah or just plain Muslims - to the British or American police or to any other infidel or apostate security force [i.e. those of Arab or Muslim states], is a forbidden act according to the shari'a. This is one of the severe forms of heresy that removes one from the [fold of the] religion [of Islam]. This is because this is a kind of aid to the infidels against the Muslims, and Allah said: 'Whosoever among you befriends them, he is [like] one of them [Koran 5:51].'"
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'have More Babies And Muslims Can Take Over The Uk' Hate Fanatic Says, As Warning Comes That 'next 9/11 Will Be In Uk'
Save Western Civilization. Start fucking. Fuck like your life depends on it, because it does. From the Daily Mail: Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion, it has been revealed.The swollen...
They Will Keep Pushing
The Home Secretary in Britain announced a new measure that prevents foreign Jihadis from coming to Britain to promote hatred. The Jihadis in Britain responded by having an event where Omar Bakri Muhammad spoke to the British crowd with a live feed. Omar...
Britain Will Be Target Of The Next 9/11, Warn Preachers Of Hate
From the Daily Express: BRITAIN is set to be the target of a September 11-style atrocity, Muslim fanatics were told at a meeting in London. And they cheered as exiled preacher Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed ramped up the hatred via video link from his...
Londonistan. The Mos Eisley Of Muslim Fanatics
If you thought that the absence of rabid cleric Mullah Omar Bakri Muhhammed has downed the deluge of vitriolic utterances against all things western in England, well then think again. Anjem Choudray who has been described as a henchman of the 45 year...
British Muslim Leader Calls For Muslims To Kill Brits
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed says the Muslims of the UK no longer have a "covenant of security" with the British. So, it's time for them to take up arms. Hat tip to Strange Girl In A Strange Land: London, England, Jan. 10 (UPI) -- Muslims living in...
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