Green Energy
"Cop Killer" Weapon
I hate that phrase. Used by anti-gunners everywhere.
MSNBC (and others, I suppose) is reporting that Nidal Hasan used a legally purchased FN 5.7 during his rampage yesterday. They also report that he was carrying a very old .357 magnum but appears not to have fired it. They also point out -- twice -- that the gun is considered a "cop-killer weapon" by gun control advocates because it can use an armor piercing round.

"The most powerful type of ammunition for the FN 5.7 gun is available only to law enforcement and military personnel." I would assume here they are talking about the armor piercing round. Because the 5.7x28 non-armor piercing is about the same as a .22 Hornet (I am no expert on this gun).
But they make sure not to dwell on the fact that the "cop-killer" rounds are only available to military and police. And make sure to state no one is yet sure what type of ammo was used. And wait until the end to tell you that, when they questioned the store about his gun purchase, it showed he bought no ammunition at that time.
But he fired over a hundred rounds. Oh yes he sure did. From a cop killer weapon.
Understand, the largest magazine available for the FN 5.7 is 30 rounds. Which means he had to reload at least 3 times. Now, that's drop the mag ram home another but still, 3 times. That takes some practice especially in the very short time he apparently had to do so. And some planning to load and carry at least 4 magazines.
100 rounds. At least three reloads.
The evil is not in the gun but in the hand that holds it.
The only "cop-killer" here was Nidal Hasan.
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Green Energy