Green Energy
A Modest Aproposal
Below is a draft of what I hope will be a rousing success as our hand-out at tomorrow's Death Hippie Hate Fest in West Vancouver, Canada. Please feel free to offer lucid and pertinent criticism.
We'll discuss this and other topics of interest this evening at our weekly meeting at VPL from 7-9 in the atrium. You are welcome to join us.
Down with the Scurrilous Death Hippies of Red Fascist Dhimmitude.Modern liberal societies are falling into states of fear and collapse under an onslaught of politically correct jihad. Social and personal freedoms are eroding daily as the Left and their proxies in the West determine our futures as objects of the state rather than as people free and independent.
Sentimentalist thought police range the nations searching for fuel to add to their fires of moral indignation, finding whatever they can to create light without heat, smoke without substance, and we wander in a timid and fearful tremble lest we fall into offense unknowing. Have we victimised someone? Are we guilty of something? Should we condemn someone to distract attention from ourselves?
Anti-American, anti-Semitic, hate-mongering "pacifists" - Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) Vancouver - whose website calls, among other things, for support of the Toronto 17 and for Canada's withdrawal from Afghanistan - is holding an event - the Hip Hop Festival Against War and Occupation - that has sponsorship from the City of Richmond and the District of West Vancouver as well as several other community and academic organizations.
A Vancouver Courier article states: MAWO is a coalition of over 50 endorsing organizations, most of which are labour unions, student groups, indigenous and women's organizations and Third World groups. It formed in October 2003 to mark the first anniversary of the anti-war movement against the American involvement in Iraq. Since then, MAWO has held demonstrations, organized talks and forums, hosted music events and organized an annual film festival each winter.
Fundraisers such as [this] summer's anti-war hip-hop festival help MAWO raise the necessary funds to keep the group going and help gain new members.
MAWO appears to be front organization for a group called Fire This Time. FTT have been accused of being thugs who intimidate their fellow leftists with violence. In fact, FTT openly advocates violence.
FTT website: [T]he arrest of the Toronto 17 has signaled that the war at home – a couple steps behind the war abroad – has entered its own "combat mission" against the democratic and human rights of oppressed people in Canada.
The Toronto 17, already found guilty of "terrorism" by the anti-Muslim smokescreen of the government of Canada and the mainstream media, represent something important for working, poor and oppressed people in Canada. The storm troopers of the right wing of Canadian politics are entering through the window of the arrest of the Toronto 17 into the homes of all Muslims in Canada.

Under government driven racist and Islamophobic hysteria, the Toronto 17 do not stand a chance of a fair trial anywhere in Canada.
When our politicians use our money to finance fascism, it's time to say we've had enough of it. Peace, yes, but no more terrorism. No appeasement. No dhimmitude.
In a society where there is seen to be no right or wrong but only victims and oppressors, we are nagged to madness by self-righteous automatons of moralist cliches and received political idiocies. Only the most thoughtless and incapable delve into the cliches of this Left dhimmi fascism for sustenance and meaning, and yet they are legion.
Those few who think clearly for themselves are offended and outraged in turn by the group-think prevailing in our societies; and we are beginning at last to say no more appeasement of oppressors of thought free and independent. No dhimmitude.
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Green Energy