Green Energy
The Blue Revolution

In France, people are designating meeting days for anti-Jihadis. They set a time and a place, via internet, and then show up wearing a blue scarf to let others know what they stand against. This is helping people to know that there is solidarity and followship for the lonely anti-Jihadis in their dhimmified society.
Dag from No Dhimmitude is heading up the Blue Revolution in Vancouver, Canada:
Here in Vancouvber, Canada our meeting ran over-time. No bomb-threats, no hysterical jihadis storming the citidel, no cause for law suits over spilt coffee. It could have been a disaster. In fact it nearly was a disaster: I went to the store where I buy my clothes, I asked the clerk for a blue scarf, and I got a blank stare in return. Normal enough, but they didn't have any blue scarves either. I am a Blue Revolutionary at this time, and nothing can stop me. I ran home, found an old jumper, and cut a swath through it till I could swear it looked just like the scarf I would have bought anyway. My only concern was the colour, whether it was blue, green or some other shade I can't quite distinguish. I sat with a girl I know, chatted her up till she mentioned that I had people looking at me across the room. Yes, we have made contact. Yes, we're going to do it again. There is no burning issue here in Vancouver, Canada, not something so immediate that all people are frantic for a solution or at least a crowd to shout to. And yet, there we were at the People's Temple, at McDonalds. We did not meet the numbers of our friends at the rally in Paris. Not yet. We did meet well into over-time, and we will meet again. We will grow and we will make a difference. Here are a couple of letters from others, and I'll update anything else that comes in as it comes.
My Axl Rose Husband
Lana Del Rey You my Axl Rose husbandBlue hydrangeaWhite Pontiac heavenMe your red, white and blue girlStar spangled dangerYou my heaven,Heaven King, kingI said, “Daddy, I need you” (yes)Greenwich, I need youStrangled up in ivyI’m the garden of...
Mawo Vancouver Death Hippies.
The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching! The whole world is watching! Truepeers is organising a demonstration against the Death Hippies in Vancouver, Canada next weekend, July 21-23, 2006. The whole world will be watching as we descend...
The Blue Scarf Revolution
TruePeers, of YARGB, and Dag, of No Dhimmitude, are promoting the Blue Scarf Revolution: This Thursday at 7 pm local time, I will be meeting Dag of the No Dhimmitude blog, for a discussion of free speech, multiculturalism, and Islam, at a McDonald's...
The Blue Revolution The French are rightly fed up with the Muslim scum people who are rampaging unchecked across the nation, and on Jan. 26 they will don blue scarves in silent protest against the government's complete neglect...
Blue Scarf
On Jan. 26 the Fwench people will protest against their government. They will wear blue scarves as a sign of their discontent. There is some people power if they'll take it and use it. And if the Fwench fail? Who cares. We have power too. The Fwench...
Green Energy