Green Energy
The Blue Revolution

The French are rightly fed up with the Muslim scum people who are rampaging unchecked across the nation, and on Jan. 26 they will don blue scarves in silent protest against the government's complete neglect of the law and the peace in favor of appeasing the feral beasts of Islam who make the lives of all people, including law-abiding Muslims, a matter of major insecurity. Who do the French politicians think they're fooling? They're fooling themselves. The rest of the nation, and the world at large, is fed up, and they won't take it anymore. Good.
What can we do to show our support for the French? And for the Danes? For the Swedes and Norwegians and English and Dutch and everyone else dumped on by the p.c. sentimentalists who refuse to secure the peace in our lands?
We can go to the nearest McDonald's diner, and on Jan. 26 from 7-9:00 pm we can sit wearing a blue scarf, and there perhaps meet other like-minded people and there talk and admit that we don't like the religion of peace and all the violence it entails by virtue of being the eternal word of a criminal maniac and his murdering followers. Go for coffee at McDonald's on Jan. 26. Wear a blue scarf. If you feel that it's too dangerous to do so, then we have lost this struggle and we are doomed. I think not. I'll see you there.
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- From The French Eurabian Front
Galliawatch reports on something that has hardly been reported (if at all) and by rights should be the centre of a national scandal and international contemplation: With the victories of the French national football team as a pretext, those famous french...
- The Blue Scarf Revolution
TruePeers, of YARGB, and Dag, of No Dhimmitude, are promoting the Blue Scarf Revolution: This Thursday at 7 pm local time, I will be meeting Dag of the No Dhimmitude blog, for a discussion of free speech, multiculturalism, and Islam, at a McDonald's...
- Infidel Comedy
Dag gets off one of the best lines ever here on IBA. A few of us had been discussing the Blue Revolution, and commenting that the idea of meeting people wearing a blue scarf just didn't seem very "American," or in Papa Ray's case, it didn't...
- The Blue Revolution
In France, people are designating meeting days for anti-Jihadis. They set a time and a place, via internet, and then show up wearing a blue scarf to let others know what they stand against. This is helping people to know that there is solidarity and...
Green Energy