Al Qaida cell in Canada was coordinating with counterparts in U.S.
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Al Qaida cell in Canada was coordinating with counterparts in U.S.

From Bill Gertz - sub required, excerpted

Qayyum Abdul Jamal was the elder in a purported Al Qaida-aligned cell in Canada that could be a nightmare for the United States. Jamal and his colleagues — all of them Canadian citizens or residents — amassed enough explosives to destroy major buildings.

The question is, how did Jamal do it and are there copycat cells in the United States also ready to act for Osama Bin Laden?

"This group posed a real and serious threat," said Royal Canadian Mounted Police Assistant Commissioner Mike McDonell. "It had the capacity and intent to carry out attacks. The modus operandi is very similar to other attacks that have taken place around the world and other threat of attacks."

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