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Another Leader in Defeating the Third Jihad

Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina founded the bipartisan Anti-Terrorism Caucus. "Members of Congress and the American public must know the threats we face from radical jihadist terrorists," she says. "The Anti-Terrorism Caucus will give Congress the tools and resources it needs to communicate those threats to the public, as well as help them make more informed decisions when it comes to terrorist issues."
Rep. Myrick hopes that the American public will see that Iraq is just one part of the greater war against radical Islamic Jihadists. She hopes that by forming this new caucus, Members can educate themselves on the threats we face so that they can take that knowledge back home and help educate their constituents.
This caucus now has over 120 members and is getting valuable information on things such as terrorist use of the internet, terrorist financing, and jihadist history and ideology.
Rep. Sue Myrick's also created her own “Wake Up America” Agenda. Her agenda:

1. Will call for a government investigation of all US military chaplains who were approved by Abdurahman Alamoudi (in the picture here with Gore and Clinton).
2. Will call for a government investigation of all US prison chaplains who were approved by Abdurahman Alamoudi.
3. Will call for the Government Accounting Office (GAO) to investigate the selection process of Arabic translators in the FBI and DoD.
4. Will call for the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the
Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) 501(c)(3) non-profit status which restricts “lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.”
5. Introduce a bill to make the preaching, publication, or distribution of materials that call for the death of American citizens, attacks on the United States Government or Armed Forces, or the financing of the means and/or operations to accomplish these acts,
acts of sedition and/or solicitation of treason. How do you like that, Pastorius?
6. Will call on the Government Accountability Office to conduct an audit to verify the total sovereign wealth fund investment in the United States.
7. Will attempt to cancel scholarship student visa program with Saudi Arabia until they reform their textbooks.
8. Will introduce a bill to
restrict R-1/R-2 religious visas for imams who come from countries that do not allow reciprocal visits by non-Muslim clergy.
9. Will introduce a bill to cancel contracts to train Saudi police and other security forces in US Counterterrorism tactics until the Saudi’s certify the prosecution of Al Qaeda financiers, like Yasin al-Kadi, and the detention of repatriated Guantanamo terrorists that keep being released into the general population after being “rehabilitated.”
10. Will introduce or sponsor a bill to block the sale of sensitive military munitions, especially Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs), to Saudi Arabia.
Sue Myrick called upon businesses in the greater Charlotte Area to contact her if their company could produce security chips like the ones used in U.S. e-passports. Currently, the U.S. Government outsources production of security chips found in U.S. e-passports
to foreign companies! One such company was recently victimized by Chinese espionage.

And this was probably my favorite: Rep. Sue Myrick called on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
to revoke former President Jimmy Carter’s passport. This is in response to the former President traveling to Syria to meet with Hamas, an organization officially designated by the United States as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
Check out her recommended book list. Pretty impressive.
Read what she has to say about the Islam's infiltration within our borders.
Read a good interview with her.
At the very end of making this post, I started searching for photos of Myrick, only to discover two articles on the IBA here and here, and one on The Gates of Vienna about Myrick, posted almost a year ago. I felt like a bonehead and I almost didn't post this, but we may have some new readers, and Myrick is still doing her work. She deserves to be supported, cheered on, defended, and praised. If you live in North Carolina, you can email her here. You can fax her from anywhere: 202-225-3389.
When she first started the caucus a year ago with the twice-a-month lectures by experts on "terrorism," she said Jihadis were perverting the teachings of Islam. But in an interview with her more recently, she said the Qur'an definitely has passages that promote intolerance and violence toward non-Muslims.
Which demonstrated to me that she's actually learning something. And hopefully the other 120 congress members in her caucus are learning too. Urge your representatives to join her caucus.
Ya Gotta Love This Woman
Front Page Mag Interview: Rep. Sue Myrick Takes a Stand on Obama, Fort Hood and CAIR Posted By Jamie Glazov On November 11, 2009 @ 12:12 am In FrontPage Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Representative Sue Myrick (R, NC-9), who is leading the charge...
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