Green Energy
Why Do So Few People Know About Islam's Political Goals?

In an article on Sue Myrick's Anti-Jihad Caucus, said something quotable. So I'm going to, uh,
quote it:
"The media and academia have whitewashed jihad or ducked the issue entirely, petrified as they are of looking intolerant toward Muslims. Meantime, well-funded apologists such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations have gone on the offensive against the few critics who have spoken out, further confusing Americans about the gravity of the threat.
"The jihadists have become incredibly advanced in their public relations efforts," Myrick lamented. And we have limited tools to counteract their propaganda, thanks to institutionalized religious tolerance even for creeds hostile to our way of life.
"The Anti-Jihad Caucus dares to right that imbalance. Its main goal is to educate members of Congress about the Islamic threat so they can talk candidly to their constituents about it."
Long Live Sue Myrick!
Myrick Has U.s. Muslims Wary
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Congresswoman Sue Myrick - Honorary Infidel
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Green Energy