I posted a few days ago about a large plurality and near majority of Germans regarding the USA as more dangerous to the world than Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon.
Our friends at !No Pasaran today make note of a BBC story in the continuing theme of !No Pasaran that Americans abroad are treated foully, and suffer from what can only be called ‘racism’. This, apparently, is most notable on the continent we saved twice by force of arms in the last century from barbarism no worse than that which they face today, and once by the long war of pressure against a totalitarian enemy responsible on this planet for at least as many deaths as we lay at the door of the bohemian corporal, and painter.
It gives one pause to consider the worrisome thought that the cold war victory might have been pyrrhic.
Let’s go back to 1968. I was in my second year in college. I was not only active protesting the war in Vietnam, but help organize a few things in minor ways, though my primary focus was primarily les femmes. However, while some folks went all the way to overboard Chomskyland, my personal focus was that Vietnam was not the ‘good’ war and therefore trampled on the best in the USA. During 1968, we had Tet, and the Assassinations. Horrible collections of moments. This spawned a set of general protests at the state of things, and in Europe this really got into some large confrontational crowds in very large numbers. They were more to the Jane Fonda end of the Spectrum. Of course, now that the KGB files are known, we understand that much of that was the KGB (all’s fair, and there was genuine opposition). But there were primarily anti-Vietnam war, with some anti American in there for spice.
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