Green Energy
Barbara Boxer - X Dhimmi?

Last night, news came that Barbara Boxer rescinded an award to an Islamic activist because of his connections to CAIR.
Charles at Little Green Footballs brought out his "Flying Pig", and the usual seething and whining has already begun emanating from the dark corridors of the CAIR lair.
Frequent Atlas Shrugs commenter X Dhimmi has decided it is time that all of us Infidels write to Boxer and thank her. I agree.
Here is X Dhimmi's letter:
SENATOR BARBARA BOXER112 HART SENATE OFFICE BUILDINGWASHINGTON, D.C. 20510Dear Senator Boxer:Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!I am so heartened and pleased by your decision to rescind the "certificate of achievement" award issued by your office to Basim Elkarra because of his affiliation with CAIR. This makes an important, cautionary statement about CAIR which has been far too lacking among our national leaders.To someone like me who follows closely the activities of CAIR and judges the organization as dangerous to America's freedoms, your courageous action is a breath of fresh air. You can be assured millions of Americans have been waiting for a national leader to speak up for America against this group which supports agendas inimical to American values and freedoms.I have sent copies of this letter to the White House and my senators and representatives asking them to support you through the inevitable accusations of Islamophobia (indeed, the charge has already been leveled according to the Newsweek article) and attacks which I am certain you will endure. Remain strong and resolute, Senator! We truly need leaders with your integrity who refuse to succumb to the pressure from groups who wish to see America fail.Again, thank you.Email form for contacting Senator Boxer.
It would seem that Barbara Boxer is now, officially, an Ex-Dhimmi.
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