Green Energy
Britain: Time To Emigrate?

Is it time to emigrate, or time to fight?
A new book by a British author says its time to emigrate. He says it's "about the future." That's pathetic, and certainly not very British:
*NOTE: Over 825,000 Americans are British born making the United Kingdom America's 9th largest source of immigrants. Americans of British Ancestry make up the second largest ethnic group in America, the largest being German.
I live in Orlando, Florida USA, the location of Walt Disney World where one of fastest growing immigrant communities is British. Why is this happening? I've done a bit of informal polling in the Orlando British community and the consensus seems to be that they have picked up and packed off for the United States in reaction to the uncontrolled immigration coming into Britain from the Middle East. I should note that most British people who settle in Orlando and Central Florida are middle class white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) who have waited patiently in line for years to become American citizens. These former Britons are most often educated, professional and/or skilled people literally worth their weight in gold to America, but a great loss to the Mother Country.
George Walden writes well on this issue:
Time To Emigrate?
Former Tory Mp George Walden has written a controversial new book concluding that life in London and the rest of the country is such that is better to emigrate. We want to hear your views -is it a fair assessment or too gloomy.
"Why write a book called “Time to Emigrate?” Because I’ve got three grown-up children, the book is about the future, and the future of life in London looks increasingly risky and pessimistic for millions of middle class families from teachers, nurses to taxi drivers that the only secure option is to emigrate. This is a book for my children and their children.
Go read the rest at Ronbo Soldier.
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