Green Energy
But seriously, folks, speaking of anti-semites .. oh Kofi ..
I just love when running to decry that which you know in your heart is true, before you know a damned thing reveals who and what you really are....
and then the facts prove you are a ghoul
By BENNY AVNI Staff Reporter of the Sun
UNITED NATIONS — In a development that could prove a turning point in Israel’s war to rid its northern border of Hezbollah, the United Nations yesterday suffered casualties in the fighting, and Secretary-General Annan immediately accused the Israeli Defense Force of a “deliberate targeting” of four blue-helmeted U.N. observers.
Military sources said the incident occurred during an air and artillery attack near Khiyam,at the eastern region of southern Lebanon, where the IDF was preparing a large ground assault meant to create a Hezbollah-free buffer zone on the area north of Israel’s border. Four members of the United Nations’s interim force in Lebanon, identified as being from Canada, Austria, China, and Finland, were killed.

“I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defense Forces of a U.N. observer post in southern Lebanon,” Mr. Annan said yesterday in a late-night statement released in Rome, where he is attending a meeting of top players steering attempts to find solutions in the Lebanon war.
Citing no Israeli motivation for the alleged “deliberate” attack, Mr. Annan called on Israel to “conduct a full investigation.”
aahhhh, but the facts.....
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