Once again we can count on Kofi Annan to pounce on the latest Jew hating device to alienate Israel from the rest of the world while empowering savages, murderers -- in other words like-minded kindred Kofi anti-spirits. And jump on it he did, even though the ruse was exposed almost immediately.
The secretary-general of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, was "deeply disturbed," he said in an official statement on Friday, at the killing of women and children picnicking on a Gaza beach, committed "reportedly by Israeli forces."
Eyeless in Gaza, Mr. Annan carelessly relies on heart-wrenching press photographs
juxtaposing Israeli shelling with a child crying over her dead mother's body. Israel, meanwhile, fears inflaming the region where myths about the supposed Jewish thirst for innocent Arab blood quickly translates into a war cry for billions of Muslims around the world. More here
This story was suspect from the first. I revealed to all the malevolent, diabolical charade that the Jew killers were perpetrating back on Friday here. But let's be honest, does Kofi care if it's a lie. No way. Kofi reports to these savages. He pays the jiyza. He and his flying monkeys.