Green Energy
But seriously, when will the finger pointing begin?
The coming release of the Iraq study group by 'realists' will begin, I think, a new form of comi-tragic relief.

As politicians of all bent run for (a make believe american political) cover beneath the shelter of this document, we will fire off the who lost Iraq, lesson of Iraq, blame of 22 Gia Long Street game.
Republicans will smugly point at Durbinite-Dean-onauts and Moveon-Kerry freaks. Pelosi will be sad that Bush lied us into a war in a nation with no connection to the war on terror and pretend if we had just killed the guy in the cave, this would all have been over.
Newt will claim the morally weak and cowardly democratic party making appeals of economic bent, and a future foreign dis-involvement is possible, is perverting the good sense of americans.
Barrack will insist that a real unified nation is possible if we can all just get past the republican divisiveness.
The Iraq study group (ISG) has no answer. That is plain.
Leaving Iraq in ANY perceived lurch will empower those who want to come here and kill us. I think there is NO argument about this. Will it empower these freaks to actually DO IT?
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