Green Energy
Christmas message to the danes

The infamous imam Abu Laban, well-known for the fake mohammed pictures last winter, is appearing in one of the biggest danish news-papers today with this message on the front-page.
I think you get the message even if you don’t read danish: ‘Your christmas is perverse’.
Laban is a refugee from the Middle-east, where he was persecuted for his Moslim-brotherhood opinions. Denmark has given this person asylum, and this is his way of gratitude (along with the cartoon case).
More at Hodja
Murder Planned On Danish Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard
Today 5 men have been arrested in denmark for planning to murder world-famous cartoonist Kurt Westergaard. It was Westergaard who drew the famous cartoon of muhammed with the bomb in the turban. All 5 are muslims. 3 of them have danish citizenship. Two...
Infamous Imam Dead
The infamous imam Abu Laban tonight died at the ‘Rigshospitalet’ in Copenhagen from cancer after a few weeks illness. Reactions in Denmark have been sparse. (Not much) more at Hodja...
Help For The Middle-east?
Media in Denmark, Norway and Sweden these days are advertising for Red Cross, Save the Child and similar organisations. Their ads are very alike “Help the Middle East” they say. I have been digging for a couple of days, writing to the organisations,...
Infamous Imam Ahmad Akkari Amongst The Rescued From Beirut
The infamous imam Ahmad Akkari - well known for his falsified Muhammed-pig-cartoons - was among the rescued 5.000 ‘danes’ from Libanon. Akkari, who cost the danish Arla ca. US$ 100 million, even managed to get his wife and child to Denmark, although...
The Cartoon Intifada Is Worldwide And Coordinated
Counterterrorism Blog has the scoop that this a Danish Imam who traveled to the Middle East in December with faked cartoons to stir up this worldwide Islamic temper tantrum: The controversy over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed is...
Green Energy