David Axelrod Outdoes Himself
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David Axelrod Outdoes Himself

From Red Alert Politics:
Senior adviser to Obama for America and former White House official David Axelrod blew off criticisms from Republicans Sunday that the Obama administration’s storyline on the Libyan attack had been inconsistent, calling it “nonsense.”

Axelrod claimed the administration had shared everything it knew about the attacks “in real time” and Republicans’ attempts to portray the situation any differently are “disgreaceful.”

“Well, I think it’s nonsense,” Axelrod told “Meet the Press” host David Gregory. “Obviously, this was a tragic event, and the President did call it an act of terror – not just once, but several times – and asked for and ordered an investigation to get to the bottom of what happened, why it happened, and to bring those who committed this act of terror to justice.”...
Expect Obama to mirror this same position in tonight's debate with Mitt Romney.

Obama will say, "Look!" followed by blah, blah, blah. A snow job, in other words.

How gullible is the American voter?

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