Green Energy
We haven't mentioned the secret Iran nuke plant because we all assume something, right?

We assume the extent of Obama's toughness will be, 'blah, blah, blah, world opinion, blah, blah, blah, world isolation, blah, blah, blah, you have to come clean.' and the rest will be 1936-38 tortuous cryptic threats which everyone knows is a bunch of bull.
Therefore, there really is nothing surprising, or worthy of extensive amounts of time. The real story is why the MSM (including FOX this time around) imagines this all means something will now happen which will change the course of Iran without firepower
Trump Believes Abortion Should Be Banned And There "should Be Some Form Of Punishment" For Women Who Have Abortions
This is something I did not know about Trump. He refuses to be clear in this interview with Chris Matthews. So who knows what he really thinks. But it is funny when Matthews feigns moral outrage at Trump's position, only to have Trump turn the tables...
Bill Maher Blames Radical Islam For Mass Sexual Assaults In Germany
This a very interesting video. Some observations: 1) Cornel West does the standard, "not all Muslims" disclaimer, but then implicitly admits there is a problem with Islam by stepping aside and allowing Maher to take it from there, not offering any argument...
David Axelrod Outdoes Himself
From Red Alert Politics: Senior adviser to Obama for America and former White House official David Axelrod blew off criticisms from Republicans Sunday that the Obama administration’s storyline on the Libyan attack had been inconsistent, calling it “nonsense.”...
Oh No, - Don't Tell Me, Guys - Is This Another War For Oil?
Typifying the Liberal reaction to Libya, I found the following comment on the Facebook page of a friend of a friend: So now we're at war with Libya, too? "President Barack Obama said military action was not his first choice" ## I get the impression...
A Chance For Moderate Swiss Muslims To Prove Me Wrong
With the referendum to ban minarets passing with 57% of the population in favor of it, the whole of the West has gone crazy. "What are Muslims going to think?", "How can we do this to Muslims? Muslims are not going to be happy about this." "We are Europeans...
Green Energy