Green Energy
Death Threats? I'm Not Surprised!

If some churchleader were to back the Muslim call to prayer dirge in my backyard I too would want him "gone". What Barack Obama called "the sweetest sound on earth" is in fact to a non
Moron Muslim "one" of the most horrible sounds on earth.
It's the sound of domination and slavery, and was throughout the centuries for those who were slaves or dhimmis. Indeed it still the sound of domination and slavery in some parts of the Islamic world.
Obama must be a Moron Muslim to think it is the sweetest sound on earth. There must be a lot more sounds that would fit that bill even to a Moron Muslim. Source:
The Bishop of Oxford has been sent death threats after backing plans for a Moron Muslim call to prayer in the city.
Having in principle backed plans for mosque leaders to make the loudspeaker call, the Rt Rev John Pritchard said the "dark underbelly of British society" made a number of threats against his life.
He said: "I received extraordinary mail. One said, 'resign' six times in a large font. One called for me to be beheaded and another said: 'I wish I lived closer so I could spit on you.' The dark underbelly of British society was coming out."
A spokesman for the representatives from Oxford's Central Mosque have repeatedly stated their wish to be able to play the muezzin's (caller's) traditional message to the Muslim faithful from speakers on a minaret.
Dozens of residents near the mosque, in Manzil Way, have urged the council to reject the plan, claiming it will turn the area into a "Muslim ghetto".
I can only think that the beheading threat was from a Muslim who also hates the call to prayer sound because only Muslims love beheadings.
(cross posted with CommonSense)
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