Green Energy
The Muezzin Calling the Faithful to Prayer
The Muezzin’s call to prayer, al-Adhan (the ‘dh’ is pronounced as a ‘heavy’ ‘th’ as in ‘thee’) is a particularly mournful drone to sensitive Western ears. It is a most unfortunate din, one feels. Is this what we want in our own towns and villages? Somehow, I doubt it; yet it might well be coming to Oxford very shortly!
Play the following genuine call of the muezzin. I think you will agree that it doesn’t have the happy tones of the peeling of church bells. But then, no one said that the Qur’an was ‘the Good News’, or Gospel. On the contrary, the Qur’an is full of doom and gloom; so we shouldn’t be surprised when the call to prayer in Islam also sounds mournful, also sounds as though the muezzin is in agony! Listen here; see what you think:Al-Adhan Mark Alexander (Paperback)

Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Duke University To Broadcast Islamic Call To Prayer On Fridays
DURHAM, N.C. — A weekly call to prayer for Muslims will be heard at Duke University starting Friday, school officials said.Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, known as adhan or azan, from the Duke Chapel bell...
General Election 2010: Nick Clegg Says ‘let Islam Prayer Call Ring’
From the Express: THE Lib Dem leader is in favour of mosques being able to broadcast calls to prayer from loudspeakers in towns and cities across Britain. He says the Islamic “muezzin” cry should be allowed to ring out just like Christian...
The Punishment For Heresy Is To Fall Under The Domination Of Islam
French website, Gallia Watch, discusses the Islamic call to prayer in Oxford, England: In Oxford, undisputed center of British tradition, the construction of the new grand mosque (not to be confused with the Islamic Cultural Center), had not received...
Death Threats? I'm Not Surprised!
If some churchleader were to back the Muslim call to prayer dirge in my backyard I too would want him "gone". What Barack Obama called "the sweetest sound on earth" is in fact to a non Moron Muslim "one" of the most horrible sounds on earth. It's...
Special Report: The Lighter Side Of Jihad
From The Gathering Storm The Muslim Phone We bought Bibi's phone a year or so ago in Dubai. Its one of those fancy pda phones with pocket pc Windows functionality, a built-in video camera blah blah. When I first switched it on it automatically...
Green Energy