Green Energy
Demand Burqas For Muslim Men!

Stogie is one of the coolest bloggers around. Check him out. He has made it his latest cause celebre to make sure that Muslim men be em-burqa'd. It sounds like a good idea to me.
Shop Attendant Notices Muslim Acting Fishy, Then He Looks Under Her Hijab
Muslimas can get away with all kinds of stuff with those Hijabs, Niqabs, and Burqas. I know guys who've been to Muslim prostitutes who just lift their burqa, the guy crawls under and does her right there in public and no one knows. The Burqa as mobile...
Parsing Breivikism
Check out Stogie's work! That link goes to an index of several posts. By combing through Breivik's hypergraphic screed, Stogie is discovering what the mainstream media will not reveal....
The Netherlands Bans The Burqa
(Thanks to Najistani for sending us the link): ... the cabinet agreed that burqas would be banned for government workers and at schools. On Friday, the government is expected to announce that burqas will also be banned from public transport. And for...
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show
And now, coming to you live from between the thighs of a hot Muslima babe in Beirut, Lebanon, it's the Infidel Bloggers Alliance Radio Show ... We are the paralell government of the entire world. We are the locker room of the counter-Jihadi Military....
Screw The Palestinians
Considering they voted for Hamas, whose charter call openly for the killing of Jews, I say, Yes! Good job, Stogie. Stogie is the man for creating this great logo. Go check out his site....
Green Energy