Green Energy
Screw The Palestinians

Considering they voted for Hamas, whose charter call openly for the killing of Jews, I say, Yes! Good job, Stogie.
Stogie is the man for creating this great logo. Go check out his site.
Your Brain On Islam
From master graphic-artist Stogie of Saberpoint: Read Stogie's entire post HERE. A gem!...
Obama's Solution To High Gas Prices
With thanks to Stogie of Saberpoint for the graphic: Stogie's post is HERE. Get ready for America's economy to hit the skids and squeeze us all until our belly buttons rub against our backbones (gasoline prices now higher as the excerpt below...
Demand Burqas For Muslim Men!
Stogie is one of the coolest bloggers around. Check him out. He has made it his latest cause celebre to make sure that Muslim men be em-burqa'd. It sounds like a good idea to me....
A World Without Romance
A great post from Stogie at Saber Point. He and his wife took in an Andre Bocelli concert last night. Sounds like it was a rather romantic affair. You get the feeling Stogie and his wife may have carried the romance home with them. But, the Stogster has...
Jihad Bumper Sticker: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Thanks to Stogie at SaberPoint, for creating this for me. (Click image to enlarge). Stogie says: CAIR may want to order a few thousand of them; if so, I'll split the proceeds with you, Pas! Sure, Stog. Might as well make a few bucks while Western...
Green Energy