Green Energy
Obama's Solution To High Gas Prices
thanks to Stogie of
Saberpoint for the graphic:

Stogie's post is
Get ready for America's economy to
hit the skids and squeeze us all until our belly buttons rub against our backbones (gasoline prices now higher as the excerpt below is dated April 21, 2011)...
Read the rest at
Always On Watch.
Parsing Breivikism
Check out Stogie's work! That link goes to an index of several posts. By combing through Breivik's hypergraphic screed, Stogie is discovering what the mainstream media will not reveal....
Dennis Miller: "nancy Pelosi Is Bat Shit Crazy"
From Saberpoint: Stogie of Saberpoint has an excellent graphic inspired by the above video. See that graphic HERE....
Oil:fundamentally, There Is Little Reason For The Recent Price Spikes
The economy shows only manipulated numbers of some kind of hope for the end of the year for those who emotionally or politically cannot bear the realities of mild deflation (checked those LCD screen prices lately ?) . Prices on homes, appliances,...
Screw The Palestinians
Considering they voted for Hamas, whose charter call openly for the killing of Jews, I say, Yes! Good job, Stogie. Stogie is the man for creating this great logo. Go check out his site....
Cartoons Are Cool!
Cartoon by Stogie from Saberpoint. Click to enlarge....
Green Energy