Green Energy
Cartoons Are Cool!

Cartoon by Stogie from Saberpoint.
Click to enlarge.
Obama's Solution To High Gas Prices
With thanks to Stogie of Saberpoint for the graphic: Stogie's post is HERE. Get ready for America's economy to hit the skids and squeeze us all until our belly buttons rub against our backbones (gasoline prices now higher as the excerpt below...
Jihad Bumper Sticker: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Thanks to Stogie at SaberPoint, for creating this for me. (Click image to enlarge). Stogie says: CAIR may want to order a few thousand of them; if so, I'll split the proceeds with you, Pas! Sure, Stog. Might as well make a few...
Fighting Back: Send Mo-toons To Islamic Embassies
From Stogie: SIOE, or "Stop the Islamization of Europe" website is involved in active resistance to the islamization of Europe. But you probably figured that out by their title. Upset by the recent bombing of the Danish Embassy in Pakistan (over the...
The Muslim Day Of Rage
Wah!!! Click on cartoon to enlarge. Thanks to Mrs. Pastorius The Everhot for photoshopping this R. Crumb cartoon for us....
Jihad Bumper Sticker: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Thanks to Stogie at SaberPoint, for creating this for me. (Click image to enlarge). Stogie says: CAIR may want to order a few thousand of them; if so, I'll split the proceeds with you, Pas! Sure, Stog. Might as well make a few bucks while Western...
Green Energy