Green Energy
Jihad Bumper Sticker: If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them

Thanks to Stogie at SaberPoint, for creating this for me. (Click image to enlarge).
Stogie says:
CAIR may want to order a few thousand of them; if so, I'll split the proceeds with you, Pas!Sure, Stog. Might as well make a few bucks while Western Civilizations goes down in flames.
But seriously (?), I'm thinking of putting this bumber sticker on my own car. Why? Because, I just think it would trip people out to see a white guy in a nice car making such a statement. In fact, I think it would scare them. And, people need to be scared a bit these days.
Tell me, is this a completely insane idea, or is there some bizarre logic to it?
What do you think will happen? Will my car get keyed up? Will people try to run me off the road? Will a cop stop me every five minutes and ask me, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Me: Oh, Officer, I'm just trying to get the message out that Radical Islam is dangerous.
Policeman: Well then, why don't you have a bumber sticker that says, "Radical Islam is Dangerous."
Me: Because, I've been saying that for years, and no one is fucking listening, so I thought I'd use a little reverse psychology.
Policeman: I don't get it. I'm taking you in for Islamophobia. You have the right, no, you are required to remain silent. Anything you say, or don't say from now on will be held against you in a Poltically Correct Court of Sharia. If you wish to have an attorney present, we will cut off your head. If for any reason, you do have an attorney present, we will cut of his head too.
Me: But, I do (heart) Radical Islam. I do. I do.
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Green Energy