Green Energy


WHEN I TALK to people about Islam's relentless encroachment and the goals and methods of jihad, the first thing they usually say is, "What can we do about it?" Usually this is not said with hopelessness, but with a sense of urgency. If it is the first time they've heard anything about this, they have a kind of panicked look in their eye, and the question comes out as a kind of desperate plead: What can we do?!

This is an entirely appropriate response. I now consider this an indication that someone has really understands the situation. I often get that response after a person has seen Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West. They get it. And the clearest sign they get it is the earnest question, "What can we do about it?"

I have written an ever-growing article — What Can a Civilian Do to Stop Islam's Relentless Encroachment? — to answer just this question. And I've dedicated a domain name just for that page.

The domain name is:


This is now a resource we can all use.

When you're telling someone about jihad, about taqiyya, about the incessant push for concessions, about the passages in the Qur'an that support these things, and then they ask you what can be done about it, you can say, "Go to WhatYouCanDoAboutIslam.com."

You can make a sticker with that domain name on it and stick it to your copies of Obsession when you loan them out. You can print the domain name on a business card and hand it to people when they ask you that question. You can share the domain name on your web site or blog.

Part of the reason people don't like hearing about jihad is they don't know what they can do about it — it's a little too much to confront if nothing can be done. And that's something to keep in mind when you're telling people about this stuff. Always present it in a way that makes it clear we can do something about it.

To give you an idea of the difference between feeling you can do something and feeling you can't, imagine you are told you have terminal cancer, you're going to die, and there's nothing you can do about it. You have a kind of cancer that has no treatment.

Now imagine you're told you have cancer, but if you go through something difficult (like fasting or chemotherapy), it will very likely cure you.

There's a huge difference in how you would take news about cancer, isn't there? The emotional impact would be totally different. The news that you have cancer is much more tolerable the second way. Why?
Only because you can do something about it.

After hearing about the third jihad, people are motivated or at least frightened, and that's a perfect time to give them something practical they can do about it. Tell them they must visit WhatYouCanDoAboutIslam.com.

I am going to keep comments open on that page, so when you come across new things that can be done, please add them. And as I come across new things, I'll add them to the list too. Let's have a single page with a simple and easy-to-remember domain name that we can direct people to.

We need more people to realize there are practical things they can do about jihad, and we need more people taking action. WhatYouCanDoAboutIslam.com can help fulfill this need. Let's use it.

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Green Energy
