Green Energy
How Many Concessions Will It Take Before The Free World Is Unrecognizable?

I keep harping on the idea that one important solution to the problem of Islamic political encroachment is the blanket rule by all democracies: No more concessions to Islam. And it occurred to me that the readers of IBA have a wealth of knowledge, all coming across different news items, and that we could use a single page that collects concessions, in the same way that The Religion of Peace website collects Islamic acts of violence against non-Muslims.
If we had a single page, those of us who are bloggers could link to it whenever we mention concessions to Islam, and those who are not bloggers could give a link to it whenever they mention concessions to Islam to their friends.
We could all keep a link to this page and whenever we come across another concession, we could add it to the comments until this is such an enormous list it crashes and makes the news. So let's begin. I'll go first (read the comments).
Cadbury Goes Halal
Kraft now certifies its Cadbury products to be halal. This means that the candy is certified to be manufactured according to Islamic dietary standards. This is one more way products that conform to Sharia law are inserted into our stores. All the lamb...
WHEN I TALK to people about Islam's relentless encroachment and the goals and methods of jihad, the first thing they usually say is, "What can we do about it?" Usually this is not said with hopelessness, but with a sense of urgency. If it is the first...
Jihad By Other Means
MANY PEOPLE think we in the West have nothing to worry about from Islam. The West has superior weapons, a superior military, and Jihadis are not going to start an all-out war with western powers. All of this may be true. What we westerners should be more...
They Push And They Push And They Push
One way to wage jihad is to blow stuff up. Another way is to constantly push for a political concession to Islam. Here's a good one: Some Muslims in Norway are pushing for a restriction on alcohol because it makes Muslims feel uncomfortable sometimes...
The Beginning Of The End Of Islamic Expansion
Italy's Northern League has the right idea: No concessions to Islam. In this case, no new mosques. Here's the story: Italy is fighting a rapidly increasing Muslim presence by introducing a bill to block construction of Islamic mosques and prohibit...
Green Energy