Green Energy
Don't Drink The Taqiyya

Here is a brilliant comment left by a person calling his or herself, Don't Drink The Taqiyya:
"The Cool War is one where an enemy works to undermine the will of the enemy with intimidation, infiltration and disinformation means. It’s the war being waged against our very culture and its most valued principles in an attempt to make our culture submit to the Islamist ideology."
Yep, and intimidation covers a lot of territory:- playing "good Muz/bad Muz"- playing the victim (good Muz)- playing the bully (bad Muz)- using the tenets of golden calf political correctness against us- fake earnestness about "liberty" and "freedom"
Please let us never, never forget THE TRUE MOTTO OF ISLAM:
"When we are weak,
We appeal to you for "Liberty" and for "Freedom,"
Because these are your principles.
"When we are Strong,
We shall deny you these,
Because they are not OUR principles."
Jaco Pastorius Plays With "little Beaver" - 1974
This is before Jaco was known. Before his first album. Before playing with Pat Metheney. Before Weather Report. The singer is very good. Jaco's playing is more restrained than it was a couple years later. I'm sure he felt the need to blend in....
Why Does The West Repeatedly Lose Against An Enemy It Could Easily Destroy?
The Sultan Knish wrote a good article explaining the four main reasons the West continues to lose. It is not only interesting reading, it is insightful. He shows us what needs to be changed, or what barriers we will have to overcome in order to win. One...
Perhaps The Democrats Should Take Power
Before you run to the comment section of this blog and fire off a message saying I’m a sandwich short of a full picnic, please read on first. Chalk this post up to frustration. I believe that democrats should regain power for two reasons. The Republicans...
Winds Of War: Storylines - What The Islamists Have Learned To Defeat Us
From The Gathering Storm A couple of weeks ago, Michael Novak wrote in the Weekly Standard, “If I were an Islamist, a terrorist, a sworn foe of democracy, here is what I think I would have learned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is what...
Storm Track Infiltration: Putting A Face On The Enemy
From The Gathering Storm Not to beat a dead horse, but unless we have clear idea of who the enemy is in this war with Islamists, Islamo-fascists, or whoever you call the enemy, we can to hope to present a defense against them. We ARE at war and between...
Green Energy