Winds of War: Storylines - What the Islamists Have Learned to Defeat Us
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Winds of War: Storylines - What the Islamists Have Learned to Defeat Us

From The Gathering Storm

A couple of weeks ago, Michael Novak wrote in the Weekly Standard, “If I were an Islamist, a terrorist, a sworn foe of democracy, here is what I think I would have learned from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is what I would write down in my hard-earned manual of instruction.”

His article goes to list the things that the Islamists have learned to defeat the USA in future wars. Here is some of what they learned.

He gives examples.

And what about our current storyline?

I’ve spoken about this before. The MSM believes it no longer represents a nation or a particular culture. They see themselves as above all national interests and reports the news as if it were a global news entity. In the process, Novak invokes Maxim # 1: To defeat America, impose upon the imagination of its media your own storyline. Andin t heir rush to be all news to all people, the MSM forgets that in this struggle between civilizations, there is a side that does not represent the best interests of the free press. You’d think they’ve learned that lesson from the Mohammed cartoon controversy. But no, locked in the mental chains of political correctness, they are “fashioning nooses with which to hang us from the hemp of multiculturalism and tolerance”.

In a Think-Israel piece entitled “Can the West Defeat the Islamist Threat? Here are 10 Reasons Why Not” by David Selbourne, the idea of a strong storyline as a weapon comes up again. He speaks of the West’s storyline of freedom and liberty and the doctrines of market freedom, free choice and competition which have made the West’s economies the best in the world. But when it tries to stand up to the Islamist’s storyline, freedom and liberty produced kinks in the armor that the Islamists use to undercut the many success the West’s culture has achieved over the last few hundred years.

He means that our freedoms have produced excesses that the prurient values of the Islamist can live with and will not live with because they see the classless side of our culture and feel theirs is far more superior while at the same time blind to the stagnation and constipation of t heir own culture. Or, as Sheikh Mohammed al-Tabatabi told thousands of worshippers in Baghdad in May 2003: "The West calls for freedom and liberty. Islam rejects such liberty. True liberty is obedience to Allah."

If we’re to win this clash between civilizations we need to tighten our storyline and then aggressively purser it both in our culture and society and advance it as a weapon against the Islamists.

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