Green Energy
England's Finished
The haters of Western Civilization in England, the values it was founded upon, and the freedom and prosperity it leads to have replaced this:

For this, in the name of Multicultural Nihilism:
The Daily Mail has the sad report, "Cancelled on Police Advice: St. George's Day Parade Through the Bradford Race-Riot Zone," on the death of a great nation. The headline refers to one of the hundreds of Infidel "no-go" zones now gracing Europe as a result of mass Mohammedan immigration coupled with "diversity" self-loathing. Americans should not be too smug about this, if current trends continue this could be our future in a few generations:
Community groups had planned to stage the multi-cultural event in Bradford and 1,500 schoolchildren were due to take part.
Many of the youngsters had already made flags of St George to carry on the parade on April 23, which was designed to boost community cohesion.
But last week police and council chiefs told the organisers that the event could not go ahead as planned for 'health and safety' reasons. At a meeting, police demanded a shorter route which avoided two streets at the centre of the race riots in 2001.
Local Tory MP Philip Davies said: "This was a prime opportunity to promote integration in a celebration of being British. "The police and council, whether it's through political correctness or whatever, have failed miserably. It's frankly pathetic."
MP Davies should no better, "multiculturalism" only applies to dhimmis, not their Moslem masters.
Hat tip: Gates of Vienna
Crossposted at The Dougout
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Green Energy